We're Sorry We're Late, We Had A Lot To Learn

The Black Lives Matter movement has encouraged Capital City Burlesque to reflect on how to improve regarding our support and commitment to all members of the BIPOC community. We have identified some of the ways in which we have failed at being inclusive and accessible, and how we are committed to addressing these failures and doing better going forward. Capital City Burlesque understands that this is not enough, and we are committed to continuing to grow and improve in our allyship, as well as being held accountable when we fail in doing so.

As a primarily white presenting, able-bodied burlesque troupe, we recognize the privilege that we carry. We acknowledge the privilege we hold in being able to attend rehearsals and perform in shows

Financial Barriers

CCB members are expected to pay monthly dues, cover the costs of hair and makeup, as well as purchase their own tights and shoes. CCB will create a sponsorship to financially support a BIPOC member within the troupe to ease these financial barriers. Sponsorship details will be determined and written as a CCB policy.

Limited Marketing for Audition Calls

CCB has previously only marketed our audition calls via social media. This has created a primarily white presenting turnout for auditions, and is thus reflected in our active troupe members. CCB will expand our audition call announcement beyond our social media by connecting with other communities within Edmonton and the surrounding area.

Providing Options for Dance Attire that Correctly Match our Member’s Skin Tone

CCB has previously chosen dance suppliers and brands that have limited options for shoe and tight colours. CCB will choose dance suppliers and brands for our members that are inclusive of their skin tones and do not only provide a single option for “nude".

Transportation Limitations

CCB’s rehearsal space and show venues have not always been accessible by public transportation. CCB will ensure that if a rehearsal space or show venue is not accessible, CCB will provide transportation options and support to our members.

Promoting BIPOC Performers and Shows

CCB has used social media to primarily promote our own events, with limited promotion of other performers, troupes, and shows. CCB will promote BIPOC performers and shows on our social media platforms, and not only CCB productions. This will also include acknowledging the history and contributions of BIPOC performers, which has made art (in all forms) what it is today.
